Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers & Acquisitions

The commercial world of mergers & acquisitions is a harsh one. You'd better have a just as harsh team of sharky lawyers so that your business emerges as the winner in the court!

Mergers & Acquisitions

Employment law was always meant to serve as a regulatory process, effectively overseeing the rights and duties between employers and workers. Also known simply as the labor law, the set of regulations contained in it are primarily devised to keep workers safe and make sure they are being treated fairly.

Of course, for achieving a mutually beneficial balance of things, these laws are also here ensure that the employers’ interests are as administered and upheld just as thoroughly.

Still the main task of the labor law is to mediate the working processes between workers (employees), employers, trade unions and the government. Collective labor law relates to the tripartite relationship practiced between employee, employer and union.

If we’re talking about which laws apply for Texas’ citizens, than we can say that the employees here are protected by many state and federal employment laws, which sometimes tend to overlap.

Just as the law mediates relations between an employer and employee, we want our law firm to become a diligent and trustworthy mediators between you and the appliance of those laws. Here are the services that we provide:

We offer litigation in Texan and US courts

Our attorneys are ready to be filing all the paperwork and perform all the negotiations to either uphold your case in trial or in order to achieve the favorable settlements on behalf of employees and workers

On par with handling separate cases on behalf of individual employees, we also have experience of curating class actions too

Additionally to that, our big team of attorneys represents employees with claims against their employer of discrimination, sexual harassment, or other unlawful treatment in violation of the labor code.  Our lawyers represent workers who were stripped of their tips, commissions or minimum, prevailing, and overtime wages.

As a part of our aim of helping the middle class, we review severance and other employment agreements for executives, managers and workers. We arbitrate and litigate breach of non-compete or confidentiality clauses highlighted in respective employment contracts.

Our employee benefits lawyers have represented a multitude of retirees who were pursuing retirement and pension benefits under ERISA regulations.

As to working with the labor unions, we’re also experienced in almost every field of labor-management relations and internal union affairs.

We consult welfare and pension plans about proper benefit fund administration.  We take actions against fiduciaries alleging breach of fiduciary duty who fail to pay a benefit.

Free consultation

Would you like to speak to one of our lawyers before you hire us? Just choose the topic and we'll be more than glad to answer any of your questions!

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